Examinations Council is constituted by the General, Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act No 58 of 2001 amended in 2008 (GENFETQA Act). The Council Chair and members are appointed by the Minister of Education and consists of 30 members, appointed for their professional expertise in education and training.
The ECESWA Council currently consists of a Chairperson, Dr. S.E Manyatsi and Council members. Council has a number of functions, some of which include the following:
arranging and controlling assessment and examinations for primary school level, junior secondary level and senior secondary level and any other approved examinations;
ensuring that the examinations are conducted professionally;
establishing sub-committees to assist it in carrying out its functions such as audit, remuneration, risk, and malpractice;
advising the Minister on matters related to examinations such as examination fees, examination policies, standards and other requirements